Who We Are
HumanRights.Info is a special project of FreedomBlogs.org.
HumanRights.Info provides information and educates on human rights, specifically the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights through its simple yet informative website, and inspire readers to become advocates for equal human rights and equal opportunity to thrive and develop to the greatest extent of their individual talent and ambition. We focus on individual person, teaching her/him about her/his rights as stated in theUnited Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
The Need
Human rights violations will remain a persistent global problem unless each individual receives human rights education, inspiring them to care and make the changes necessary to create a better world.
Meeting the Need
Through human rights education, people acquire the knowledge, skills and commitment necessary to make a difference. We believe that “one person at a time” approach to teaching and learning about Human Rights could make big difference.
Our Vision
A world where everyone values human rights. A world where people live in peace and dignity with each another.